Final Update

TL;DR I am posting what I hope is the final update to the story. Bugs have been fixed, blurry pictures have been resized, and a few more passages have been added. Nothing major, but I want to move on and start writing another story that has been developing in my head. Still, let me know if you find any bugs and I will try to fix them as soon as I can.


This interactive fiction story was created in Twine using Harlowe 3.3.7. The story takes you (the player) to a lunar outpost where you encounter several unusual activities on the station and must investigate the reason for their occurrence. Originally three main branches were planned, but currently only one main branch has been developed and released. At the moment, all sub-branches lead to a (hopefully) meaningful ending. If you've read CYOA books before, you'll probably notice where exactly I've left a door open to continue the story someday.

Original images from Pixabay were heavily modified for use in this game and the font used is Arapey by Google Fonts.


  • Added several passages to expand the story;
  • Added more character customization;
  • Improved blurry images in some of the passages; 
  • Fixed a minor bug where the links to the next passage would appear off-screen.

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